Jakarta: The Industry Ministry has consistently encouraged the development of industrial estates to boost growth in manufacturing sector and investment.
Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the ministry has taken steps to accelerate the development of industrial estates, and to improve their productivity, among others by developing smart eco-industrial parks, also known as the fourth generation industrial estates.
“The number of industrial estates in Indonesia as of July 2022 has reached 138 companies,” Kartasasmita said in a statement here Sunday.

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The estates, he continued, are mostly categorized as the third generation ones.
If the first generation industrial estates are fully developed and managed by the government, the second generation ones are built by the private sector but the government still acts as a regulator.
Meanwhile, the third generation industrial estates are equipped with settlements with all supporting facilities in an effort to create an independent and modern industrial city.
Kartasasmita said the development in digital technology has also affected the industrial estates that started to move toward the fourth generation ones.
A smart eco-industrial park or the fourth generation industrial estate is marked with the application of principles of sustainable development such as carbon emission reduction, circular economy, and green industry that bridge the transition toward renewable energy.
The ministry has worked closely with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland to implement the Global Eco Industrial Park Programme (GEIPP), launched in July 2020.
Under the program, an industrial estate will get the support in the form of capacity building and workshop on the implementation of International Framework for Eco-Industrial Park (EIP) to improve resources productivity, economic performance, environment, social and business for industrial estate.
The minister has applauded Jababeka Industrial Estate that organized the Jababeka Tenant Award 2022 under the theme “Digital Transformation Drives to Green Industry”.
“This collaboration is aimed to materialize Strong Indonesia, Growing Industry” through the transformation of industrial estate toward an eco-industrial park,” he noted.
There are 1,800 industrial tenants from 30 countries in Jababeka industrial estate. The estate has provided jobs for 1.7 million workers which furthermore would improve people’s welfare and boost the local economy.
“As the management of the industrial estate, Jababeka attempts to provide its best services to tenants in accordance to their needs,” PT Jababeka’s Director Hyanto Wihadhi said.
The awards were given to tenant companies in four categories namely Best of The Best Tenant Award, Best of Green Tenant Award, Best of CSR Program Contributor Tenant Award, and Best of Estate Regulation Compliance Tenant Award.



Artikel ini bersumber dari www.medcom.id.